Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most stable, comfortable, natural-looking option for restoring missing teeth.  The natural look, feel, and function of dental implants make them the restorative treatment of choice for patients who have lost a tooth due to an accident, periodontal disease, or any other reason. In addition to their natural look and feel, dental implants also prevent receding gums and the deterioration of the jawbone that occurs when teeth are missing. Dental implants enable the jaw to function and chew normally, which helps preserve the integrity and strength of the jawbone and gums. Dental implantation is a simple procedure that uses the latest in dental technology to produce the most functional and attractive results. A dental implant can be placed in the upper or lower jawbone, and holds a crown, bridge, or over-denture in place. Unlike dentures, which can be very uncomfortable, ill-fitting, or loose, dental implants always fit perfectly. Dental implants are customized and individually sculpted to bring the finest results to each patient. Dr. Luke Klele is committed to bringing you the latest in dental technology, and tooth implants are no exception. Dental implants offer many benefits over other forms of tooth replacement. Reasons to choose dental implants include: - Dental implants are extremely durable. They require no more maintenance than natural teeth. With regular brushing, flossing, and check-ups, dental implants will last a lifetime. - Dental implants are the most natural looking and feeling option for tooth replacement. A dental implant will not only restore your smiles, but also their confidence levels. Dr. Klele’s patients have found that they can eat, speak, and smile with comfort and full confidence in the appearance and function of their teeth. - Dental implants can support multiple teeth, a bridge, or just a single tooth without affecting bordering teeth. - Dental implants can improve the function of other dental devices such as partial dentures or over-dentures. - Dental implants have an excellent success rate among healthy individuals. Long-term studies continue to show improving success rates for dental implants. Visit us at our Wayne, NJ office to learn more about the benefits of dental implants.
Luke Klele, DDS | 1292 Hamburg Turnpike, 1st Floor | Wayne, NJ | 07470 | Tel: 973-553-2512
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